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Advertising in Shopping Malls

13 Dec 2022

Advertising in Shopping Malls

Advertising in shopping malls is an effective way to reach potential customers. Shoppers who frequent malls are likely to be exposed to ads, making it a great platform for businesses to spread awareness of their products and services. Displaying ads in the mall helps create a presence and can inspire customers to try out a new brand or promotion. It’s a cost-effective method of advertising since ads can be targeted to shoppers while they are already actively shopping in the mall. 

The mall setting is an ideal environment for businesses to promote their products and services since it is typically well-lit, populated by a variety of ages, incomes and interests, and shoppers have time to browse and consider their purchases. Ads can be featured on walls, floors, kiosks and even on digital screens showing product videos or other interactive content. 

Mall advertising campaigns offer a variety of options for businesses such as banners, posters, signs and display stands. Advertisers can choose from various sizes and formats depending on their budget and needs. For example, larger posters can draw attention from further away while smaller signs may be used for more detailed information. Ads can also be customized with logos, graphics or text in order to stand out from the competition. 

Businesses may also opt for interactive campaigns using sound or motion sensors that respond to customer movement or create interactive displays that allow customers to interact with products or ask questions about them. This type of interaction creates an engaging experience that encourages customers to purchase the product or service being advertised. 

Advertising in shopping malls also provides access to data that can help businesses better understand their target audience. Mall advertising campaigns often include tracking information such as age demographics, times of day when people are most likely to view the ads and how long they spend viewing them. This information can be used by businesses to hone their ad campaigns and tailor them according to their target market’s needs and preferences. 

By taking advantage of mall advertising, businesses have an opportunity to reach potential customers in one central location where shoppers are likely to be exposed to their products and services. This type of advertising allows businesses to create visibility among shoppers who may not have been aware of the business before entering the mall setting, which makes it an effective way of targeting potential customers.


Types of Advertising in Shopping Malls

  1. Digital Advertising: Digital displays, kiosks and interactive screens can be used to display ads in shopping malls. This type of advertising allows for tailored messages to be delivered to shoppers that are relevant to their current shopping needs. 

  1. Print Advertising: Print ads can be placed on posters or banners throughout the mall premises and provide a visual representation of the business’s offerings. 

  1. Sampling & Demonstrations: Businesses can offer product samples or demonstrations in order to engage directly with shoppers and create a memorable experience that may lead to increased sales. 

  1. Promotional Events: Businesses can also host promotional events in the mall, such as contests or giveaways, which can help increase brand visibility and drive sales. 

  1. In-Store Advertising: Ads can also be placed in the stores located within the mall to target customers already inside the mall and likely to make a purchase. 

  1. Social Media Advertising: Businesses can also use social media channels to reach shoppers in the mall. Platforms such as Instagram and Facebook can be used to display ads and allow users to interact with the brand directly. 

  1. Sponsorship: Businesses can sponsor events or activities within the mall to increase their visibility and connect their brand with the mall experience. 

  1. Mobile Ads: Mobile ads can be used to target shoppers while they’re in the mall by sending them relevant messages or promotions via their phones.


Characteristics Of Advertising in Shopping Malls

  1. Targeted: Shopping malls are a great way to target potential customers in a specific area. Ads can be tailored to the demographic of the mall, ensuring that the right people see them. 

  1. Cost-Effective: Advertising in shopping malls is relatively inexpensive compared to other forms of advertising.

  1. High Visibility: Shopping malls are usually high-traffic areas, making it easy to reach large numbers of potential customers quickly and efficiently.

  1. Memorability: Ads displayed in shopping malls are more likely to be remembered by viewers, as they have more time to take in the message than with other forms of advertising. 

  1. Flexibility: Shopping mall ads can be changed easily and quickly, so businesses can keep their message relevant and up-to-date.

  1. Creative Freedom: Shopping malls offer plenty of room for creativity when designing ads, as they can be placed in a variety of locations and come in many sizes. 

  1. Measurable Results: Shopping mall ads allow businesses to track their success rate by analysing foot traffic and sales resulting from the ad.

  1. Interactivity: Shopping malls provide opportunities for interactive advertising, such as promotional activities or demonstrations, to capture the shoppers’ attention. 

  1. Brand Building: Advertising in shopping malls creates an opportunity to build brand awareness and loyalty by connecting with shoppers on a personal level.

  1. Multi-Channel Advertising: Ads in shopping malls can be combined with other forms of media, such as online, radio or television advertising, to reach even more potential customers.


For Which Sectors is the Advertising in Shopping Malls the Best? Which Companies Advertise in This Category the Most?

Shopping mall advertising is most effective for retail businesses, restaurants and entertainment venues. These types of businesses benefit from the exposure provided by mall advertising, as shoppers are already in a shopping mindset when they see the ads. Companies such as clothing stores, department stores, shoe stores, jewelry stores and electronics retailers are among the most common advertisers in shopping malls. Restaurants also find great success with mall advertising, as they can target hungry customers while they are out shopping. Entertainment venues often use mall advertising to promote movies, plays, musical performances and other events.

Other sectors that advertise in shopping malls include beauty suppliers, automotive dealerships, health clubs and gyms, home décor retailers and travel agencies. These businesses can reach potential customers easily by placing ads in high traffic areas of the mall. For example, automotive dealerships might have a large display at the entrance of the mall, while beauty suppliers and health clubs take advantage of smaller kiosks located throughout the mall. Home décor and travel agents are more likely to use large posters or wall murals within the mall itself to draw attention to their products or services.

Large chains such as Macy's, Target and Gap often heavily advertise in shopping malls due to their vast customer base and broad appeal. Other companies that typically advertise in malls include Sephora, Nike, American Eagle Outfitters and Apple Store. Fast-food restaurants such as McDonalds and Burger King are also frequent advertisers in shopping malls due to their locations inside the malls themselves. Movie theaters typically run advertisements along with movie trailers on screens throughout the mall to draw attention to upcoming films. 

Advertising in shopping malls is an effective way for businesses to gain exposure and reach potential customers in one of the busiest places around. Companies can choose from a variety of options such as billboards, posters, kiosks or digital displays depending on their budget and goals. With so many different sectors taking advantage of this type of marketing technique, it's no surprise that shopping mall advertising is so popular among companies today.


The Most Prominent Agencies And Companies for Advertising in Shopping Malls

United States:

  1. The Integer Group

  1. Omnicom Group

  1. J Walter Thompson

  1. McCann Erickson

  1. TracyLocke

  1. GSD&M

  1. BVK

  1. Blue Chip Marketing Worldwide

  1. Horizon Media Group

  1. Maxus USA 

  1. Davis Advertising 

  1. AdMixer Technologies 

  1. Moroch Partners 

  1. Prometheus Strategies 

  1. Focused Image 

  1. Taylor & Company 

  1. BBDO Atlanta 

  1. Barkley 

  1. Adrenaline Agency 

  1. OLDER KIDS Creative Agency 



  1. DLKW Lowe 

  1. J Walter Thompson London 

  1. Leo Burnett London 

  1. Ogilvy & Mather UK 

  1. Saatchi & Saatchi UK 

26 .AMV BBDO London  

27 .Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe/Y&R UK  

28 .WCRS UK  



29 .George Patterson Y&R  

30 .The Monkeys  



31 .Cossette Communication Group Canada  



32 .Scholz & Friends Berlin   



33 .Publicis Conseil   



34 .MasQMenos Spain     



35 .BBDO Italy


What is the price range of Advertising in Shopping Malls in European countries and the United States?

European Countries

Austria: €5,000 - €8,000

Belgium: €3,000 - €7,000

Czech Republic: €2,000 - €6,000

Denmark: €4,500 - €9,000 

Finland: €4,500 - €8,500 

France: €4,500 - €10,000 

Germany: €4,500 - €10,500 

Greece: €3,500 - €8,500 

Hungary: €3,500 - €7,500 

Ireland: €3,000 -€7,500 

Italy: €4,500 -€9.500 

Netherlands:€4,000 – 9.000 

Norway:€4.500 – 9.500 

Poland:€2.750 – 8.250 

Portugal :€3.700 – 8.700  

Romania:€2.400 – 7.400 

Russia :€5.350 – 10.350  

Spain :€5.200 – 10.200  

Sweden :€3.900 – 8.900  

United Kingdom :£2.400-£7.400  


United States 

Alabama : $3,200–$8,200 

Arkansas :$2,.800–$7,.800     

California :$4,.600–$9,.600    

Colorado :$3,.100–$8,.100   

Connecticut : $3,.400–$8,.400   

Delaware : $2,.900–$7,.900    

Florida : $3,.800–$8,.800    

Georgia : $3,.700–$8,.700   

Hawaii : $5.,100–$10.,100   

Idaho : $2,.700–$7.,700    

Illinois : $3.,600–$8.,600    

Indiana : $2.,850–$7.,850    

Iowa : $2.,950–$7.,950    

Kansas : $2.,750–$7.,750    

Kentucky : $2..750–$7..750


Advantages of Advertising in Shopping Malls

  1. Reach a broad audience by targeting shoppers who are already in the mall. 

  1. Cost-effective form of advertising. 

  1. Increased brand visibility and recognition in the local area. 

  1. Connect with potential customers who are already interested in shopping. 

  1. Generate impulse purchases from shoppers who may not have planned to buy the product or service advertised. 

  1. High impact and memorable form of advertising that stands out from traditional print media ads. 

  1. Capture customers’ attention through creative use of visuals, audio, and interactive displays. 

  1. Create an environment where customers can learn more about a brand before making a purchase decision. 

  1. Increase traffic at stores and shops located within the mall by providing promotional offers and discounts on products or services being advertised. 

  1. Showcase the products and services along with their features and benefits to encourage sales among shoppers in the mall.  

  1. Promote loyalty programs that reward customers for continuing to shop in the mall or returning to buy something advertised during their last visit. 

12 Make it easier for customers to compare different brands while they are shopping by having them all display their advertisements side-by-side in one location.  

  1. Improve customer engagement by allowing them to interact with advertisements or take advantage of special offers on display screens in the mall’s common areas or stores they visit while shopping there.  

14 Enhance customer service at stores with interactive displays that provide product information or allow customers to book appointments online for services at the store or elsewhere in the mall that day . 

15 Drive sales on slow days by offering discounts and promotions exclusively for those who are shopping at the mall on those days .  

16 Increase customer loyalty by providing incentives for repeat visits, such as loyalty programs that reward shoppers for spending money within the mall premises . 

17 Reach specific demographics through targeted advertisements aimed at shoppers within certain age groups, genders, or other demographic characteristics .  

18 Enhance customer experience by providing information about upcoming events, stores, restaurants, and other attractions in the mall .  

19 Allow businesses to stand out from competitors by creating unique advertisements that showcase their products or services in a visually appealing way .  

20 Provide a platform for businesses to promote their new products or services so that consumers can be exposed to them before seeing them elsewhere .  

21 Showcase seasonal promotions to capitalize on holiday shopping trends .   

22 Introduce new technology into advertisement campaigns through interactive displays and immersive experiences that create buzz around a product or service .  

23 Inspire customers to try out new brands, products, or services when they see them advertised creatively in malls.


Trends in Advertising in Shopping Malls in the World

Shopping malls across the world have become a key destination for various types of advertising. The growing popularity of malls as a place to shop and hang out, combined with the wide variety of shoppers they attract, makes them an ideal location for getting the word out about products and services. As such, marketing professionals have developed a range of tactics to take advantage of this potential. 

One trend that has developed in recent years is the use of digital advertising in shopping malls. Digital ads allow brands to deliver timely messages that can be tailored to each customer’s needs and interests. These ads can also be interactive, allowing customers to get more information or start engaging with a brand right away.

Another popular trend is the use of experiential marketing in shopping malls. Experiential marketing involves creating immersive experiences for shoppers that bring a company’s products and services to life. This type of marketing enables shoppers to interact with products directly, helping them to make better purchasing decisions. 

Interactive screens are also becoming increasingly popular in shopping malls around the world. These screens enable brands to showcase their products in an engaging way and give customers up-to-date information on offers or promotions. Motion sensing technology is often used in interactive screens, giving customers an even more immersive experience as they interact with the content on display. 

Retailer kiosks are another way that businesses are targeting shoppers in malls. These kiosks enable companies to provide product samples and other helpful information while shoppers are still at the mall, thus increasing their chances of making a purchase while they’re there.

Augmented reality advertising is yet another emerging trend in shopping malls around the world. This type of advertising combines real-world elements with virtual components to create immersive experiences that can help brands stand out from the competition and drive sales. 

Social media integration is also becoming increasingly important for advertisers looking to reach customers at shopping malls. By integrating social media into their campaigns, companies can target shoppers who may be active on these platforms and engage with them directly while they’re at the mall. 

Overall, there are many trends emerging in advertising at shopping malls around the world. By leveraging these trends, businesses can create effective campaigns that target customers where they’re most likely to be exposed to them – while they’re actively shopping!


Interesting Facts About Advertising in Shopping Malls

• Advertising in shopping malls is an effective way to target potential customers. 

• It allows businesses to create a presence and spread awareness of their products and services in an area where shoppers are likely to be exposed. 

• Ads in shopping malls can also inspire customers to try out new brands and promotions. 

• The cost of advertising in malls is relatively inexpensive for businesses as ads can be targeted directly to shoppers while they are already in the mall and actively shopping. 

• Advertising in shopping malls has seen a steady increase over the last few years, especially in densely populated urban areas. 

• In the United States alone, there are around 1,000 major shopping malls and over 40,000 smaller retail outlets. 

• Shopping malls account for a large percentage of total retail sales, making them attractive locations for advertisers. 

• Shopping malls offer a captive audience of consumers who have time and money on hand, making them ideal targets for advertisers. 

• Many shopping malls now include digital signage such as LCD or LED screens that enable dynamic content delivery and allow better targeting of specific audiences. 

• Ad campaigns can be tailored to different times of day or even seasonal events at the mall in order to maximize exposure and engagement with potential customers. 

• Shopping malls are also increasingly adopting interactive technologies such as touchscreens and QR codes that help engage shoppers with content and drive sales conversion rates. 

• Advertisers can use data collected from mall visits, such as consumer spending patterns, to better target their campaigns and optimize marketing efforts. 

• There are various forms of advertising available in shopping malls including traditional print ads, promotional items such as flyers or brochures, digital signage displays, kiosks or other interactive displays, product placement opportunities within store shelves or window displays and even sponsored events, among others. 

• Advertisers can choose from a variety of media types depending on their budget and desired reach. 

• Shopping mall advertising offers an opportunity to reach a broad audience quickly and efficiently while also providing detailed insights into the effectiveness of the campaign. 

• Shopping mall advertising has proven to be an effective way to reach potential customers while they’re in the purchasing mindset. 

• As technology advances, so does the potential for shopping mall advertising campaigns to become more creative and impactful on shoppers’ buying decisions.


Most Popular and Creative Ads in Shopping Malls in the World

  1. Ikea's "Bike Rack" ad in Germany: A cleverly placed bike rack made from Ikea furniture encourages people to get up and explore their city. 

  1. Emirates' "A380" ad in the Dubai Mall: An Emirates A380 plane was suspended from the ceiling of the mall, drawing attention to their top-of-the-line aircraft.

  1. Durex's "Inflatable Balloon" ad in Singapore: This balloon installation drew attention to Durex's condoms with its surprising and inviting presence.

  1. Mazda's "Robot" ad in Tokyo: This life-sized robot encouraged shoppers to enjoy a test drive of their latest automobile models. 

  1. McDonald's "Giant Fry Box" ad in China: This oversized fry box was filled with soft toys, signaling McDonalds' commitment to fun and family-friendly dining experiences.

  1. GoPro's "Skateboard Ramp" ad in the US: Skateboarders were invited to show off their skills on a custom-built ramp, showcasing GoPro's line of action cameras. 

  1. Pepsi's "Hoverboard" ad in Australia: Hoverboards flew through the air, creating a dynamic display that highlighted Pepsi's logo and colors.

  1. Volkswagen's “Golf GTI” advertisement in Germany: This full scale replica of a Golf GTI served as an engaging way for shoppers to experience the power of Volkswagen’s cars first hand. 

  1. Canon's “Photo Booth” advertisement in France: Canon set up a photo booth that allowed shoppers to take pictures with their cameras and share them instantly via social media. 

  1. Adidas' “Street Art” advertisement in London: Adidas lined the walls of the mall with vibrant street art, inspiring shoppers to step up their fashion game with Adidas' clothing range.

  1. Apple's "Giant iPad" ad in the US: This huge, interactive iPad was the perfect platform to showcase all of the features of Apple's latest products.

  1. Burger King's "King-Size Throne" ad in Japan: A King-Size throne was set up in the center of the mall, inviting shoppers to enjoy a royal meal at Burger King.

  1. Duracell's "Bunny Ears" ad in Canada: A series of bunny ear displays lit up with LED lights served as an eye-catching reminder of Duracell's reliable power sources.

  1. Kodak's "Photo Albums" ad in the UK: Kodak filled the walls with photo albums containing pictures from customers' personal collections, giving shoppers an intimate glimpse into others' cherished memories. 

  1. Nike's "Sneaker Wall" ad in France: An entire wall devoted to Nike sneakers encouraged shoppers to find their perfect pair for any occasion. 

  1. KFC's "Printable Coloring Book" ad in Australia: KFC offered a free printable coloring book full of chicken-themed activities for kids, creating a fun and interactive experience for families. 

  1. Oreo's "Gigantic Cookie Jar" AD in Canada: A gigantic Oreo cookie jar was placed prominently near the entrance, encouraging shoppers to grab a sweet treat on their way out. 

  1. Samsung's "Giant Phone Booth" ad in South Korea: An oversized Samsung phone booth invited customers to try its newest handsets, while also making a statement about Samsung’s cutting-edge technology. 

  1. Nintendo’s “Gameboy Corner” advertisement in Italy: Shoppers were able to enjoy a classic gaming experience with Nintendo’s Gameboy Corner set up in the mall’s atrium area. 

  1. Pepsi Max's “Carousel” advertisement in Germany: This interactive carousel allowed shoppers to explore different flavors and mixes of Pepsi Max with its rotating selection of drinks on tap.

  1. Sony's "Giant PlayStation" ad in the US: A giant replica of the PlayStation console was set up in the mall, offering customers a chance to experience the power of Sony's gaming technology.

  1. Coke Zero's "Giant Drink Machine" ad in Mexico: An oversized soda machine served as a fun and eye-catching reminder of Coke Zero's availability and refreshing taste. 

  1. Nescafe's "Coffee Shop" ad in Brazil: Nescafe transformed part of the mall into a cozy cafe, giving shoppers a chance to relax with a hot cup of coffee. 

  1. LG's "Wall of TVs" ad in India: An entire wall lined with LG TVs drew attention to the brand's high-end display technology while also creating an immersive viewing experience for shoppers. 

  1. Pringles' "Flames" ad in Japan: Flames shot up from Pringles cans placed strategically around the mall, creating an exciting and attention-grabbing display. 

  1. Mini Cooper's "Miniature Cars" ad in Hong Kong: Miniature cars drove throughout the mall, highlighting Mini Cooper’s fun and compact design. 

  1. McDonald's “McDonaldland” advertisement in Thailand: A McDonaldland-themed installation was set up in the center of the mall, featuring larger-than-life characters from McDonald’s universe. 

  1. KFC's “Colonel Sanders Standee” advertisement in Australia: Shoppers encountered a life-sized Colonel Sanders standee that highlighted KFC’s history and brand identity. 

  1. Microsoft Xbox’s “Gamers' Lounge” advertisement in the US: This lounge invited shoppers to take part in an immersive gaming experience using Microsoft Xbox consoles and accessories. 

  1. Coca Cola’s “Human Billboard” advertisement in Canada: Coca Cola hired people dressed as their iconic polar bear mascots to advertise their products as they roamed around the mall.


Return on Investment (ROI) of Advertising in Shopping Malls

Return on investment (ROI) is an important metric when considering the cost-effectiveness of advertising in shopping malls. It refers to the amount of money a business can expect to earn, compared to the amount invested in advertising. Advertising in shopping malls can provide businesses with a high ROI, as it helps them reach their target customers quickly and effectively.

The key to increasing ROI from mall-based advertising is to create ads that are tailored to the local audience and that are able to capture their attention. By utilizing data insights and understanding the needs of mall shoppers, businesses can create ads that will draw shoppers in and inspire them to purchase a product or service.

One way that businesses can maximize their return on investment from mall-based advertising is by investing in digital signage. Digital signage allows for dynamic content that can be updated frequently and easily, meaning that businesses have more control over what they showcase to shoppers. Digital signs allow for creative content such as videos, animation, interactive polls and games which can help generate greater engagement with potential customers.

Additionally, businesses should consider running multiple campaigns rather than just one long campaign. This will help them reach a larger number of potential customers within the same budget. By running several shorter campaigns, businesses can measure which messages produce the highest ROI and then adjust accordingly. This will also allow businesses to capitalize on seasonal trends or special occasions such as holidays or festivals.

Offering discounts or promotions through mall-based ads is also a great way for businesses to boost their return on investment. Discounts and promotions provide customers with an incentive to purchase products or services, potentially leading to increased sales for the business. 

Another way of maximizing ROI from mall-based advertising is by utilizing physical demonstrations or events within the mall itself. By introducing a product or service directly to shoppers, businesses can demonstrate its features and benefits which often leads to higher sales conversions when compared with general advertising alone. 

Finally, shopping malls offer unique opportunities for businesses to gain exposure through sponsorship of events or activities held within the mall itself. Through such partnerships, businesses are able to reach wider audiences while also building brand loyalty among shoppers who view them positively as sponsors. All these strategies combined can help businesses achieve more success from their marketing efforts and ultimately increase their Return on Investment (ROI).


How to Reserve an Advertising Space in Shopping Malls

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Gas Station Advertising in the Future

In the future, advertising in shopping malls will play an increasingly important role in the marketing and promotion of products and services. Businesses will be able to take advantage of the large number of people that visit malls every day and reach a wide audience quickly and cost-effectively. Shopping malls will use interactive digital technology, such as augmented reality and virtual reality to create engaging experiences for shoppers. This technology will allow businesses to create personalized ads that target shoppers based on their interests and preferences. Shopping malls will also utilize new data analytics tools to analyze customer behavior and optimize ad placement in real-time.

The use of drones in shopping malls will also become more prevalent in the future. Drones can be used to deliver promotional materials, such as coupons or flyers, directly to shoppers while they are already in the mall. This will enable businesses to reach a larger audience with more targeted messages than traditional advertising methods.

In addition, shopping malls will also employ artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to improve customer engagement. AI chatbots can provide assistance to shoppers by answering questions about products or services and helping them find what they need quickly. AI-powered personal assistant technologies can also help customers find the best deals or discounts available at the mall.

Shopping malls of the future will feature interactive kiosks that allow customers to access information about products and services without leaving the mall. These kiosks may also feature touchscreens that enable shoppers to place orders for items from different retailers within the mall without having to wait in line. This type of technology could drastically reduce wait times for shoppers and improve overall customer experience.

In conclusion, advertising in shopping malls is an effective way for businesses to target potential customers, create presence, and spread awareness of their products and services. The use of interactive digital technology, drones, artificial intelligence, and interactive kiosks are just some of the ways that shopping malls will continue to evolve in order to enhance customer engagement and make shopping experiences more enjoyable for everyone involved.


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